Making an Application For Transfer to G.2-G.6 (2017-2018)
Parents/Guardians who intend to make an application for your boy to transfer to G.2-G.6 of DBSPD in the 2017-2018 school year should submit your application to the School on or before Friday, 19 May 2017. Late applications will not be processed.
No application forms are available from the School. Parents/Guardians should send a letter to the Headteacher with photocopies of your child’s latest school report cards and certificates of extra-curricular activities issued in the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 school years. Please also attach to your letter 1 self-addressed envelope with a stamp of HK$1.70 fixed on to it.
Please note that the School will not be able to invite all applicants for the Entrance Examination. Only candidates whom the School considers to have satisfied the necessary entry requirement will be invited to attend the Entrance Examination scheduled for early June 2017. Notifications of the arrangement of the Entrance Examination will be sent to parents/guardians of those candidates in late May 2017.
Results of the Entrance Examination will be released in early July 2017. If a place in the School is offered, registration will be done in mid-July 2017.