
Upon completion of their primary education, students will be able to communicate effectively in English. They will be able to:

  • listen to, read and view with understanding, accuracy and critical appreciation a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts from print, non-print and electronic sources.
  • speak, write and make presentations in internationally acceptable English that is grammatical, fluent and appropriate for purpose, audience, context and culture. At higher levels of proficiency, students will speak and write for academic purposes and creative expression, using language that is inventive and imaginative.
  • think through, interpret and evaluate fiction and non-fiction texts from print and electronic sources to analyse how language is used to evoke responses and construct meaning; how information is presented; and how different modes of presentation create impact.
  • interact effectively and with empathy to people from their own or different cultures.
  • integrate National Security Education in the curriculum to promote students’ sense of belonging towards the country, affection for the nation and their sense of national identity.