School Rules

"Love God, love your neighbour"
Diocesan Boys' School Primary Division expects students to show respect for all members of the school community at all times, and to value and respect the school buildings, grounds and property. Our expectations include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Forbidden

  • Using of foul language.
  • Fighting or bullying.
  • Shouting, playing ball games or displaying rowdy behaviour in classrooms.
  • Running or loitering in the corridors.
  • Standing on or climbing any of the railings.
  • Wilful damage to school property, e.g., plants, furniture, notices, magazines and books, etc.; any damage should be reported immediately.
  • Putting up notices or distributing any printed materials without proper authorisation.
  • Writing on the walls, chairs, desks or any other fixtures in school.
  • Throwing or slinging any objects likely to cause injury (Including throwing/ dropping objects from heights).
  • Using of razors, cutters or sharp blades without teachers' permission.
  • Using of mobile phones, cameras, computers or other electronic equipment without teacher's permission.
  • Bringing any valuables, such as mobile phones, necklaces, rings, toys and games, etc., to school without prior approval.
  • Using the lift without adult's supervision.
  • Spitting or chewing gum at school.
  • Playing ball games at school without teacher's supervision.

2. Out of Bounds

  • The Staff Room
  • The School Office and the Headteacher's Office, except on business.
  • All scaffolding.
  • The climbing rock area and all slopes.
  • The covered car park area.
  • The roundabout next to the Basketball Court, the grass plots and the lawn.
  • The Hall, Roof Gardens and all special rooms, except with teacher’s permission.

3. The Hall

An air of dignity should be maintained in the Hall at all times. There must also be no eating, drinking, or misbehaving inside the Hall.

4. Lateness

Students should arrive at school before 8:35 a.m.

  • • During morning assembly, the late-comers should stand at the late-comers’ area at the School Hall or Covered Playground.
  • After morning assembly (or when there is no morning assembly), the late-comer must report himself to the School General Office before being admitted to class.

5. Absence/ Half-day Leave

  • Parents should obtain a half-day leave application form from the School General Office for picking up student during school hours if necessary.
  • Students leaving school without permission from the School Authorities are considered to be playing truant.
  • To apply for absence from school, students must submit the "student’s leave application form" to the Class Teacher in advance (for non-sick leave) or on the first day of returning to school after a sick leave.
  • Any student who is absent due to sickness for more than 2 days should get his parents to notify the Class Teacher.
  • Any absence without a medical certificate or supporting document will be counted as absenteeism.
  • All students and visitors are not allowed to stay at school after 5:00 p.m. without prior permission.

6. School Uniform

Students should keep their appearance clean and tidy at all times.

Winter Uniform

  • Grey shorts
  • White long sleeved shirt with a white cotton vest underneath
  • School tie
  • Dark blue blazer with school badge on the pocket
  • Long grey socks
  • Black leather soles
  • Black leather belt (if necessary)

Summer Uniform

  • Grey shorts
  • White short sleeved shirt with a white cotton vest underneath
  • School metal badge worn in button-hole
  • Short white socks (Ankles must be covered)
  • Black leather shoes
  • Black leather belt (if necessary)

P.E. Uniform

Students should bring their P.E. uniform and sports shoes in a P.E. bag, and get changed during P.E. lessons only.

  • House T-shirt with a white cotton vest underneath
  • Blue shorts
  • White sports shoes
  • School tracksuit (for winter)


  • A combination of formal school uniform and P.E. uniform is not allowed.
  • Shirt: Plain white. Shirts should be properly tucked in.
  • Pullover: Collarless; V-neck. Plain grey.
  • Shoes: Plain black. Suede shoes or shoes of two colours or very pointed shoes are not allowed.
  • Gloves and Scarfs: Plain, dark blue or grey.
  • Belt: Plain black. Plain buckle.
  • The grey shorts, summer and winter, should not be in cotton drill.
  • Adornments are not permitted.
  • Students must maintain a tidy and clean haircut. Hairstyling materials that produce a wet look, colour, or odor are not permitted.

Guidelines for School Uniform (When the temperature of the day falls below 13°C or Cold Weather Warning is issued)

  • When the Cold Weather Warning (or when the temperature of the day falls below 13°C ) is issued by the Hong Kong Observatory, students are allowed to wear, in addition to school uniform, a thick overcoat/ Chinese padded jacket of plain dark blue and grey trousers.


  • Violation of school rules may lead to different consequences, subject to the seriousness of the case. Such penalties may include suspension of recess, withdrawal from school activities or detention. In addition to the above penalties, misbehavior records, warnings or black marks may be issued on a case-by-case basis.